Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Camino Preparation Post May 30

I went to grab the milk out of the fridge this morning and noticed how nasty the milk shelf was. I grabbed a paper towel to wipe it out and then saw how gross the fruit drawer had become. This progressed into a full on assault of the grime and filth that had accumulated on all of the shelves and drawers in my entire fridge. As I was cleaning, I wondered, “How did the fridge get this bad? Why hadn’t I noticed?”
I realized that, for me, life had slowed down a bit, therefore I had time to notice the mess and time to clean it up. I then started thinking about how this applies to life in general. We spend most of our days rushing from one thing to the next. As mothers, we determine what must happen and what can wait. But in the meantime, messes accumulate - messes that must be dealt with. And not all of these messes can be taken care of with a paper towel and 409.
In the busy-ness of life, other things can get messy too. We become impatient with our kids, our attendance at church drops, we find excuses not to exercise, our spouse gets neglected. And we are just too darn busy to notice the mess we are making. Until something makes us stop and see, really see.
We must take time to look for the messes and start cleaning them up. It doesn’t have to happen all at once – some messes take some real elbow grease, but if we see the grime and start scrubbing, that mess will start to disappear.
The greatest news of all is that we have someone who wants to help with the cleanup - someone who wants our lives to be sparkling clean. Christ came into this world so that He could wash our messes away for good. However, we are mess makers by nature, and we tend to find new ways to make messes every day. But when we become aware of the mess we are making, we can ask for help and then start the cleaning process.

Take some time today. Look for the messes. Then grab your gear and get cleaning!

(Actually written in 2013 but reread yesterday as part of Camino Preparation)

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